Junkers Ju 290 photos

On this page, you'll find several photos of Junkers Ju 290 aircraft. As you'll certainly notice, the quality of the images is significantly lower than on the other pages belonging to or affiliated with http://Ju388.de. The reason for this is very simple: This page is actually a demonstration page for my fellow aircraft enthusiasts, the purpose of which is to demonstrated the advantages and limitations of scanning from Microfilm with a slide scanner. The following images, which may have been published before, were scanned from NASM reel 2021 with a Minolta Dimâge Scan Elite (F-2900) without applying any corrections and later enhanced using the sharpener and gamma correction of Paint Shop Pro 5.0.  On click, a larger image will open.

Please allow a few more days for detailed image captions!!! And excuse the layout!

This is another shot of the Ju 290 A-5 WNr. 0170, KR+LA, which is also shown in the color photograph on my Junkers Aircraft Page.

This phot shows the same aircraft from above. Please notice the wave-like structures on top of the wings. To my mind, this is a sign of ice on the wings, but I might be totally wrong...

 The KR+LA flying by. A view of the Ju 290 A-4, WNr. 0169 In the foreground of the WNr. 0169, which had the code PI+PW, is another Ju 290.

The same aircraft during a test run on the ground or while taxiing. A more detailed view of the cockpit section, showing the FuG 200 antennae.


Again the Ju 290 A-4, PI+PW, WNr. 069, this time parked.

A Ju 90 Z-3, KB+LA, WNr. 0002  with a horse carriage passing by.


Thanks for your interest !!!


© 13.09.2005 by Christoph Vernaleken. This article may not be published - as whole or in excerpts - in any form without written permission of the author